
Singapore Airport

I realized, I can`t type JAPANESE! ... Of course ...

I just arrived at Changi airport, and writing this at I`m loving it!.
Staying at the airport till morning. Singapore time differences is
only one hour behind from Japan, so there is no jet lag.

Anyway, Singapore aireline flight attendants are beautiful :)

10 件のコメント:

ozzychang さんのコメント...

Can you read the Japanse comment?

hatchyz さんのコメント...

im lookin forward to seeing your picuture! did you take some picks already?

ジュン さんのコメント...

>> Mr. Ozzy

So far, all PC`s I used were over Winodws XP, so I`m able to read Japanese. That`s a good thing.

ジュン さんのコメント...

Internet cafe`s at Singapore are not 24 hours.
Most of Internet cafe`s at Singapore are 1 singapore dollar per hour.
Most of the people at internet cafe in Singapore are using voice chat system.
The product of PC at this internet cafe is IBM, but at the airport, they are using DELL. No Fujitsu here.
The exchange rate at the Singapore airport is much better than Kansai aireport. Take YEN with you here.

ジュン さんのコメント...

>> Mr. hatchyz

Started taking the pics but I`m not ready to upload the pics yet.

Just wait.

ジュン さんのコメント...

I`m loving it -> I`m lovin`it

Unknown さんのコメント...


Unknown さんのコメント...


Unknown さんのコメント...


ジュン さんのコメント...

>> hyuga09

美女の写真。。。 今泊まってるドミトリーもきれいなおねーさまがたくさんいるんだけどね。若い男たちが囲んでてお友達になれませんw